Key Dates

Admission Process

Admission Process

Registration for admission in Pre-Primary is done from January onwards and from class 1st to 9th and 11th is done in March. Age for admission to Nursery is 3 years as on 31st July of the year in which admission is sought, for which an AUTHENTIC CERTIFICATE OF DATE OF BIRTH IS ESSENTIAL.

Required Documents for Admission

Students joining the school from Class I onwards must provide a Transfer Certificate.

If the child is joining from another Board from class VI onwards the Transfer Certificate should be endorsed by the DEO of the area/ Regional Officer RBSE.

Particulars to be submitted at the time of admission.

  • Transfer Certificate
  • Date of Birth Certificate (Govt.)
  • Marksheet
  • Aadhar Card (Photocopy to be attached)

25% seats available as per State RTE rules.

Admission Confirmation and Fee Payment

Admission would only be granted after due process.

The fee will have to be deposited in Maharashtra Bank, Alwar or any other bank specified by the school from 1st to 15th of every fee paying month for the quarter. The late fee penalty is as follows : -

  • Late Fee Penalty - From 16th to the last day of the fee paying month (30/31st) the late fee charged will be Rs. 10/- per day.

The fee booklet duly filled must be presented to the bank along with the fee. The fee and other charges are subject to revision from time to time. No school leaving certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid. Fee paying months are April, July, October and January.

The admission fee, term fee, activity fee, stationery charges and tuition fee once paid, will not be refunded.

Only DD, Cheques/NEFT will be accepted for all payments to the school. Cheques should be drawn in favour of Bal Bharati School(As per the branch name). Please mention the name, class and admission no. of your ward with contact number at the back side of the cheque/ DD. For NEFT please mention the ward's name, class and admission no. in details/remarks column.

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